Anglo American continues the process to integrate De Beers into its Group structure

- As Anglo American continues the process to integrate De Beers into its Group structure, Philippe Mellier, chief executive of the world’s leading diamond company, talks to Claire Adler about the company’s heritage and its future at a transformational time.
- India’s rapid growth earlier in this century has now slowed considerably, and major changes are needed to ensure the slowdown does not become permanent. Vijay Joshi, former economic advisor to the Indian government, is seeking a new wave of reforms to set the country in the right direction.
- Working in hostile environments and with an industry-average discovery rate of one find for every thousand drill targets, exploring for resources can be a frustrating mission. But persistence and creative thinking are giving Anglo American an edge.
- Municipalities are not always prepared for a large mining project’s impact on their social and physical infrastructure. In South Africa and Brazil, Anglo American is partnering with governments and NGOs to ensure councils and communities embrace and are ready for such change.